Sometime around now is the 35th anniversary of the Sage and my engagement. One of these years I really will work out the date. It’d be easy enough with an online everlasting calendar.
Val’s husband says they still haven’t diagnosed what’s wrong with her. She’s a little better but still in hospital. There are no staff holidays booked for the next six weeks so they’re all right in the shop at present, but he knows that the Sage is willing to help with deliveries, and I in the shop and he’s welcome to call on us. I don’t know whole lots about pet food, but it can’t be that hard and I can do tills and convert weights from pounds to kilos and that sort of thing.
Interviewing at the high school this morning, and it was one of those happy occasions when we looked at each other at the end and knew who was streets ahead of the rest. We’d hoped to make a second appointment (it was an internal appointment and her job wil be vacant), but no one was quite right to slot in, so at least the most important one was filled. When I went out to the car park, she was getting something out of her car and she thanked me – I assured her that it was absolutely on merit. In fact, after she answered one question, there was a pause until I realised everyone was looking at me to ask the next question – I was still pondering her excellent answer and had quite lost the thread.
After that, I babysat all day. Lunch and tea. And a visit to the playground, and a bounce on my bed and other childish pursuits. Most enjoyable. The children are fabulous. Squiffany says that I’m her favourite girl and when she’s grown up (bigger than mummy or daddy or grandpa) and I’m little (it seems that I’m due to be a shrunken old lady) she will look after me.
Ro and I are meeting in Norwich after he finishes work tomorrow to go to the cinema. This hardly seems worthy of note, but I haven’t been to see a film for about six months. The local theatre shows two films, each on one night, every week, and I must start going there. If I just start, I’d soon get into the habit.
I hope you’re still blogging when you’re little and being looked after.
i hadn’t realised its lent.
and i do hope u really work out that date. and then blog about it too 🙂
Dandelion, let’s hope they make little tiny laptops to fit me.
The story of our engagement is a very short one, wouldn’t take long to tell.
Dave, x
I’m begining to think in terms of role reversal when my ‘children’ – now in their 30’s take me out and look after me.
Congratulations on the Engagement Anniversary – whenever it is.
I am so glad you didnt give up blogging for lent.
Yup, happy Aniversary, that’s a nice big round number.
Blogging could not possibly be lentable, because it is supposed to be about personal abstinence and discipline and you would actually be depriving us of the pleasure of your company, which just wouldn’t be fair!
Boy, your logic is …flattering. Thank you, and thank you too, Jamie.
Yes, I feel just the same, Sablonneuse, and the best thing to do is to appreciate it! – startling as it feels to begin with.
I’ve looked up the anniversary.
I would so miss you if you gave me up for Lent.
Thank you, darling. I’m not very good at giving things up, I must say.