Last night, the Sage was on the phone most of the evening and I’m not fond of listening to phone conversations, so I spent the whole time in here. I sit on a stool, it’s not uncomfortable, not especially relaxing, but better than listening to one side of a telephone conversation. This evening, I asked for no phone – but then it rang, it wasn’t his fault. I lasted about two minutes and have been in here the past hour. I’m not very relaxed, I have to admit.
Last night, it transpired that my side of the electric blanket wasn’t heating up. This is the electric blanket I bought in January. I’m really not impressed, especially as the same thing happened last year – with the one I’d bought a few weeks earlier. Today, I checked it out and it seems that it’s the lead that has stopped working. No reason, it hasn’t been stretched, tripped over, anything like that. Fortunately, we had a spare lead from last year’s blanket that my money was refunded on. I’ll check the fuse tomorrow and if that’s not it then I’ll have to contact John Lewis.
It’s been a beautiful day, warm and sunny. I sat out for a while with the newspaper and enjoyed the warmth. Actually, although it took me ages to go to sleep last night because my feet were cold (having had a bath earlier in the evening, I really needed an electric blanket to warm me up), I woke several times because I was far too hot. It’s not me, honest. I wouldn’t recognise a hot flush if it slapped me.
Tomorrow, a funeral (not Kenny’s, that’s next week), Year 9 music, a meeting after school and a meeting in the evening. At least the last is in the pub. I haven’t drunk beer since – oh, hang on, I had a glass of Guinness on Sunday.
“the whole time in here”??
Where? The Airing Cupboard? The hens-hoose? The pub?
The room where the computer is, dear heart. Although, if I’d been using the phone to blog from, I could have been in any of those places.
I’m guessing the electric blanket was made in China. Most of the stuff they make is shoddy and dangerous.
I’d hit the pub, but then I would, wouldn’t I!!
I was having trouble sleeping. It finally dawned on me that it was because I was cold. So, I now pile myself high with covers and sleep much better.
We used an electric blanket before we purchased a bigger bed after we moved here and haven’t used an electric blanket since. I think I will look into getting one today. Hopefully a longer lasting one than yours.