It’s been quite a day, one way or another. It started with an invitation to the zoo, went on to a reunion with an old friend and finished with a startling experience on Facebook Scrabble (look on Rog’s Facebook page if you want to know more, I’m not saying another word on the subject).
Charlotte and I have known each other forever, she’s a bit younger than I am, and our families have been friends forever – that is, for generations. She lives in Holland, where she grew up, although she often used to visit her English grandparents as a child, and has lived both in England and the Netherlands. The last time I saw her was at her mother’s funeral several years ago, and when my mother was desperately ill in hospital I had phoned her to come over to visit her one last time – my mum wrong-footed us there by rallying and living with cheerful vigour for another six months.
She phoned this morning, she’s travelling around the country for a few weeks and catching up with friends, so she’s staying with us for a couple of days. The Sage had a meeting this evening, so she and I spent the whole time talking, and at one point she mentioned having corresponded with Benjamin Zander, the conductor, and meeting him when he invited her to a seminar as his guest. I became extremely excited – well, darlings, you know what I’m like – and described a concert I’d been to several years ago at Snape. You may remember that I wrote about it? That is, two or three of you might: anyway, I looked it up for her, and here it is. My usual laid-back blasé attitude, as you see.
Charlotte was keen for me to send it to him on Facebook; I demurred but I did let her email him the link. We’ve spent quite a long time this evening watching him on YouTube this evening. We meant to phone Wink, but never got around to it. Tomorrow.
I can’t be sure whether I read that post before. I am now intrigued by the deleted comments.
“A bit younger”?
So she dips just under the big 4-0, to your just over?
The chap who left the first comment entered into teasing speculation about a man I’d sat next to at an earlier concert. I didn’t mind being teased, but it wasn’t fair on my neighbour, so I deleted the comments the next day.
Something like that, Simon darling, she’s four years younger than I am.
Wow! That sounds like one hell of a concert. I’m green with envy at your being there.
Well, I guess I better go back and read:-]