Still interviewing. So I haven’t really anything to say there.
This evening, however, the Christingle service at the village church. I was put in charge of the microphones. Judicious turning up and down of volume, and playing a CD when required. I was right at the back of the church, and all the singing that happened seemed to be at the front. So, duty called and I swelled the volume at the back.
I’m no singer, you know. I can hold a tune, I suppose, but I’ve got limited range (I had a throat operation more than 25 years ago and have used that as an excuse for D to be my highest point, under protest, ever since) and I can’t project a lot. My speaking voice, that’s different. I can boom across a crowded room, if necessary (but only if, darlings). I can’t pretend to have a lot of interest in singing, personally. I prefer an instrument to speak for me – which probably means, to hide behind.
My mother, who had a perfectly good voice, was very shy of using it in song, and that must have influenced me. But now, I am humble enough to show confidence, even when misplaced, and so sang aloud. Al and co came along – Hay was perfectly sweet and smiled at everyone until he finally fell asleep when the Christingles were lit and the lights turned off. The church was packed. It was lovely, even though I’m not wildly happy about religious indoctrination for small children, you can’t count Christingle, any more than any other part of the Christmas story, in that vein.
And that’s about all, my dears. Tomorrow, interviewing for an assistant SENCo. Six candidates. They all look good on paper. Another tricky one, then. Good luck, as I say at the start of each interview. It’s my job to ‘put them at their ease’. Me, darlings. Heh.
“It’s my job to ‘put them at their ease’.”
Sing to them!
I`ll guess that church looked beautiful with just the light of the Christingles.
Nice to hear of another lady doing the sound system – I`m the only female along with two men that are on the rota here for it.
The best candidates on paper are always the worst in person… and you’ve got six of them!
Good luck!
Ah, so *that’s* why one of the SEN forums I read has been abuzz with requests for ‘questions I might be asked at interview’!
Oh, yes, LX. That’d do it, all right. Cheers.
Usually, one of us just sets it up and it can be left, Ivy, but there were several people using a microphone, so I was adjusting it for different voices, as well as playing a tune. We’ve got two or three women and a man who can set it up – and a man and two women (including me) who understand the heating system!
It’s all difficult because they are either internal candidates or from one of the closing Middle Schools. A lot of scrambling around for jobs.
All down to us, BW.
You ought to post some photos of the churh. I’m not religious, but I love good architecture!
Oh, okay, I’ll do that at some time, John. I won’t have time for a few days though.
I love to sing! I feel completely at ease bursting into song whenever, wherever if I hear one being played that I know the words to. Not loudly or inappropriately. It often inspires others to join me.
Aha, on to the subject of tonight’s post.