Each day this week, the Times and iTunes are giving a free download. Today’s is called ‘Eat raw meat = blood drool’ and is by the Editors. I sent the link to Ro who, of course, already knew the Editors, which was more than I did. “If it’s good I’ll buy it” he said airily, not having iTunes on his computer and not, apparently, wanting it.
But really. In what set of circumstances is ‘Eat raw meat = blood drool’ a good name for a song? I rather like the song, though I’ve only listened to it twice so far and, as any fule kno, you have to listen to a piece of music a minimum of three times before you can evaluate it.
Tomorrow, I will be in London. Having come to the conclusion that Four Dinners doesn’t read the comments on his own blog, I’ve emailed him. Of course, he could be ignoring me. Anyway, what we’re doing is going up to the flat, finishing (DV) the making-good that I started a couple of weeks ago, then we’ll do *whatever* for a few hours and meet at Liverpool Street, assuming *whatever* is not entirely together, get something to eat and catch the 8 o’clock train home. Dilly will look after Tilly and vice versa.
Have Fun! *whatever* You Do!
Oh yes I do….eventually….
Mailed yer back kid. We (me and Caz) are in East London then for Jax birthday.
Might be a rush but if you’re near enough we’ll pop along and say Hi and buy you a bevvie or three.
If not then next time is a date!!!!
I’ll report back, Tony, sometime after 10 tomorrow night.
Thanks, 4D, it may not work, depending on timings, but happy birthday to Jax in any case. I’ve emailed back, of course, dear heart.
I must admit that, having read the first part of your post, I imagined The Times were giving away music performed by their own staff.
how come I didn’t notice that – proof enough that I haven’t got to grips with iTunes yet! I have my new new nano though 🙂
Have a nice time int’ smoke
You have to go through the Times link, Ziggi, I didn’t see it on iTunes – well, i didn’t know I had to look until I read the paper.
Today’s, I thought was “Faulkner’s euphoric hymn to the joys of giggling’, which I was really looking forward to. It’s gigging. Oh, okay.
This is the link, BTW. One track each day until Saturday. http://www.offersinthetimes.com/itunes/