The link for the ‘AQ’ test that most of you couldn’t access a couple of weeks ago is working again now.
I just did it again. The first time I scored 7, this time I got 6. Asperger’s is not my syndrome.
The link for the ‘AQ’ test that most of you couldn’t access a couple of weeks ago is working again now.
I just did it again. The first time I scored 7, this time I got 6. Asperger’s is not my syndrome.
Scores over 32 are generally taken to indicate Asperger’s Syndrome or high-functioning autism, with more than 34 an “extreme” score.
Whew. Got away with that one then 🙂
On a third attempt, I took it as I would have been in my teens, very shy and avoiding social occasions at any cost, I got 24, which put me at maths test genius or something (I just received a phone call which distracted me somewhat). I don’t quite see the correlation there.
I scored “maths test winner” 24, wich places me 6 points higher than the average male but 12 points lower than the threshold for Asperger’s. Rubbish at multi-tasking, un-fond of spontaneity, rather over-fond of meaningless stats, but redeemed by empathy, imagination, and “social chit-chat” skills.
I’d have thought spontaneity was one of your fortes, Mike
I scored a 9, but I used to win maths tests, so am very disappointed…
You’ve got it all, Boy – good at communicating and good at maths. Bit of a geek too, by any chance? 😉
That’s really weird. I scored 18 and am an average man – but I was a woman the last time I looked.
But in touch with your masculine side, it seems
19 average female physicist. What is a physicist?
Someone who knows a whole lot more about physics than I do?
i’m with luckymomz too. and i was pretty kicked – not that i know much physics, but i used to (and still am) be fasnicated by it