I had an unexpected letter from a friend today, who I used to see often in Norwich when we were on the same committee. I recognised his writing at once on the envelope (yes, darlings, a real hand-written letter!) and it was such a pleasure. It’s horribly easy to lose touch a bit and blogging is the only way I communicate regularly with most people, though I am reasonably good at emailing friends once in a while. Twice, even, if they’re very good friends.
I’m so looking forward to tomorrow…oh, I said that. Well, so I am. I’ve had a very relaxed day today, I’d done most of the preparatory work I could and spent quite some time sitting outside in the sun reading the papers. Never let it be said that I miss an opportunity to relax.
Have a wonderful party.
I hope you all have a wonderful time tomorrow. But I already know that you will.
Thank you, darlings. The sun is shining, it’s a lovely day,
Have a lovely time. I’m sorry I can’t be there. xx