The Summer Fête is tomorrow, held over from July, when it was rained off. It’s very jolly to find that Weeza and co are coming over, also Ro and Dora. Weeza hadn’t thought they would come, because it will take place about the time of Zerlina’s nap but unfortunately, in the last couple of weeks, she has pretty well abandoned her daytime nap, which means she’s a bit tetchy by the evening – but at least they aren’t so limited during the day. I’ve said I’ll make cakes, but I haven’t had time, so I’ll have to do it in the morning. I think I’ll also be helping on a stall, but with any luck there will be plenty of us and I’ll just have to do an hour or so stint. I don’t think I’d be a bad influence on anyone if I nipped over the road to the pub and brought a pint back with me, do you?
Ro asked casually if I was thinking of providing dinner in the evening, so of course I said I would. Not sure yet what to cook though. Something that everyone likes and doesn’t take long to cook. Followed by cake.
Saturday night is pizza night. It is here, anyway.
Dave, that’s good of you, are you sure? There’s rather a lot of us to turn up at your house all at the same time. Although the babies don’t need anything.
I’ll make an extra cauliflower and brussel-sprout pizza specially.
It’s never too late for a summer fete. Enjoy the food and the company!
There will be 13 of us, Dave, plus you. Better make a turnip and beetroot one as well.
I’ve finished the baking, Duta, just waiting for the chocolate cakes to cool before I ice them. It’s a lovely sunny day here, perfect weather.
i’ve missed reading you, sugar! and now i’m hungry! 😉 xoxoxoxox