1 There was a thrush singing in the pine tree by Kenny’s shed this afternoon. It had spring and nesting and suchlike in its mind, I could tell.
2 I measured myself today. Bust a bit disappointingly small, waist ditto big, hips just right.
3 I went to get milk from the farm. Jonny’s Girls were being milked and, a few at a time, strolled relaxedly out afterwards, chewing the cud. It has to be *the* cud, doesn’t it? You just can’t say “the cow was chewing her cud,” it sounds weird.
4 The Head’s PA always makes me a cup of tea and tries to catch me out with the variety. Today, she succeeded – it was Earl Grey with orange blossom. Very pleasant.
5 Martina said such a nice thing to me in her letter last night, it quite made my morning when I woke up and read it.
1. Terry at the paper shop saw me coming and let me jump a queue of five, knowing I’d have the right money, because he’d given me my change yesterday.
2. At the bottle bank I bumped into Gary, who works for the council emptying bins. I hadn’t seen him for four years. He’s grown another ponytail, and his wife Debs is fine.
3. Completed crosswords mon, tues, wed, thurs; four clues solved today.
4. Have three different routes to Waddesdon for tomorrow. (Don’t ask why.)
5. Heston’s chilli con carne quite acceptable. It didn’t say ‘neigh’.
1. Did an errand for my mother before work and found a new coffee shop en route.
2. The coffee was delicious.
3. Had a nice walk home in the sunshine this afternoon. The skies aren’t grey like they have been for four months.
4. Bought primroses at the store and they are now adding a bit of cheer to the front porch.
5. Saw Z’s note on her blog, which made me smile.
I assumed there was only one cud and cows passed it round. Like a spliff.
You’ve joined in! I love you.
Blimey, Rog, you’re right. I’m such an innocent. That’s why they have that look on their faces.
Love the 5 things idea. Might gather myself to blog more frequently if I did that.
I do like that you live so close to cows. Dunno why but they’re such appealing animals. Laid back. You know?
The great thing is there are no rules – it’s just five things, however trivial or impressive.
I know, I like cows, and milkers have a lot of human contact so become very friendly.
1. Long lie in bed
2. Gym!
3. Sainsbury’s
4. Garden Centre
5. Catch up on blogs
This could really catch on!