Z makes things needlessly complicated again

I bought a new laptop more than a year ago but I haven’t used it much. Two reasons – I didn’t want to transfer everything from the iMac as that’s all I ever do and some stuff goes back many years. But the thought of sorting everything out is far too daunting ever to do it. But the computer is 9 years old now – I’m not sure how long Macs are supposed to last nowadays and it’s still installing updates, so Apple has faith in it. The second reason is that I like desktop computers as there’s no risk of hunching over them, I like to look straight ahead rather than down and, as I touch-type, I don’t need to watch the keyboard.

It was all sorted out by buying a separate monitor and an external drive. So I’ve got the advantage of the MacBook’s portability, plus a screen for when I’m at my desk. And I can put everything onto the drive and just transfer what I need, whilst having the backup if I suddenly need something from 15 years ago (which happened this evening, I wanted a recipe I typed out and couldn’t find the printed copy of).

As I said a while ago, I’m living in my dining room at present, so it’s got armchairs, dining chairs and table, a desk and a whole lot of other furniture. Yet, not enough, it seems, I wanted to bring in another chair and something had to give.

I’ve got a small desk, which was actually a side table of Tim’s, a nice old pine one with a drawer. It’s amply big enough for the computer and keyboard, plus any papers I need to have by me. I’d added another smaller, lower table to put the monitor and laptop on, because of course I haven’t yet transferred very much yet (I’ve been doing it by AirDrop as I need it up to now, but it’s a faff and takes a while). The extra armchair would need the space taken from the smaller table. But hey, it’ll all fit on the one desk, if both monitors were angled a bit. Sadly, this won’t do. The lower table was the right height to type at – without really thinking about it, I realise now that I tended to put the keyboard on my lap, when using the other computer. So, for now, I’ve put the small table in front of the bigger one, while I think about it.

Luckily, it’s now after 6pm, so I’ll think about it while I drink a glass of wine. Dinner is nearly prepared and just needs the last few minutes of preparation. I invented a mixed vegetable curry – the light sort, with a garlic and ginger sauce – and have done spicy masala potatoes to go with it. I’ll add a couple of hardboiled eggs. I bought a dozen eggs the day before the chickens started laying again so, of course, I haven’t used them. Chickens always start laying after I’ve given up waiting.

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