It’s been a tricky few days, not much has gone right. However, some highlights, so I’ll go with them.
We went to see Ronan and family on Saturday and had a picnic on the village green near their house.
Wink had her second vaccination this morning and, this afternoon, I had the text offering me mine. So it’s booked for Thursday week.
Local new potatoes are in the greengrocer, though I haven’t bought any yet because I haven’t had time to go shopping – that is, I could have today but he’s shut on Mondays at present. It’s the quietest day and the fishmonger opposite has always shut on a Monday. Recently, Michelle who owns the deli made the same decision – her excellent excuse was the imminent arrival of her baby and pressure on the other staff (baby girl has now arrived safe and well) – and so Simon has shut up shop for a day a week too. So Monday is using up veggies day here. Ratatouille tonight saw to that, pretty well, following a salad for lunch.
In fact, the lunch was highly retro. Avocado, prawns, Marie Rose sauce made in the time-honoured way by adding ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice to mayonnaise, salad. It was actually very good.
On a less cheerful note, it’s jolly cold again. There has been a frost most mornings and there’s a bitter wind tonight. Tim has been reminiscing about April sea bathing when he was a lad in Bournemouth. I admitted that I never ventured near the sea at that time of year, even in my prime.
Thank you for all yr interesting comments in my email. Good that Wink and yourself are getting the vaccines. A bit slow in my country and I haven’t got any notice to get mine. So patiently waiting and keeping safe in the mean time. Lunch sounds delicious and it would go well here in my Summer all the time weather!! ope the frost clears and Summer suncomes soon
It really varies worldwide. Our government decided to prioritise getting the first dose and that seems to have paid off, so far.