Z listens to music

Lovely Weeza and family came over again – they really are exceptionally supportive – and she and I started on the boxes, mostly of papers, which I’d stacked in the smallest bedroom.  We found some useful documents, a lot of rubbish, some more money, some catalogues from past sales, but I found it all very hard to cope with after a while.  Weeza had suggested from the start that we take frequent breaks and she was right but, even so, I decided to stop at about three o’clock because I was feeling so unsettled and I didn’t want to risk carrying my agitated mood on to the evening.  She kept going for a while longer, then I went and helped her carry the last lot of rubbish out to the bonfire.

I enjoyed the concert very much, not having heard a couple of the pieces before – I’d not have lasted with any of them as recordings as things stand, but live music was a different matter.  Since the combination of musicians was unusual – two pianists on two pianos, two percussionists – Sue was pleased that there were so many people there, as she’s friends with the organiser and feels for him when it’s not well supported.  She said that singers in particular keep the audience away – small choirs, that is, not soloists, which is a pity.

I’ve never understood the joy of singing in a choir, I dislike it myself – though I sing alto, which is the choral equivalent of being a Virgo (as I am) – ie the boring one.  Difficult to sing the part perfectly but only noticed if you make a mistake, it really seems the short straw.  Though I’m sure the altos among you will put me right – I know one woman who insisted on singing at her own wedding, which seems to take the wish to be centre of occasion to the limit of vanity, though I’m not fond of performing anyway.  I found one short poem at Ro and Dora’s wedding was quite enough for me and I was glad that none of my children wanted to say anything at Russell’s funeral.

All the same, I’ll be playing my clarinet tomorrow.  I tell you what, when I leave here I’m not going to let anyone know I’ve played any instrument in church ever.

4 comments on “Z listens to music

  1. IndigoRoth

    Hey Z! I have a feeling you rocked the clarinet, and will soon be taking up the saxophone. On a motorcycle. Indigo x

  2. Z Post author

    It went all right – I really must get the clarinet checked over though, it’s overdue a service. If you can play clarinet, you can play sax – Ronan has an alto sax and I can play that but it’s a bit heavy on my neck. I hadn’t thought of the motorbike, that’d take the weight, wouldn’t it? 🙂

  3. janerowena

    Some composers seem to hate altos and give them really boring parts to sing. Others love them and give them parts that are just as good as the sopranos’. One referred to altos as ‘low women’. The fact remains, however, that singing raises your spirits. It really does. I am a 1st alto so I do get some good parts to sing. Yes, it is hard, but you concentrate so fiercely that there is no possibility of worrying about anything else, so your brain gets a break in a weird way. A bit like Sudoku to music, against the clock.

  4. Z Post author

    Honestly, it doesn’t raise mine, though perhaps that’s because any time I’ve been involved in a choir it has been in preparation for a performance, which is something I don’t like doing. I don’t know why music teachers are so convinced that performing and taking exams is a good thing – they ruin any enjoyment I might take from the music-making.


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