Z is satisfied

It took a while to be sure I wasn’t doing the wrong thing, but I’ve got the SmartSurvey account set up, the first survey done and set out ready to go. It’s too early now, the lecture won’t happen until Wednesday. But I can just Do It then. And hope it works, of course.

Now, I’ll spend the rest of the evening reading. I’ve had a bath, I’m ready to curl up in an armchair next to the woodburner and I won’t bother to empty and refill the dishwasher until the morning. I don’t work in the evenings nowadays, unless I have to.

I used to, as a matter of routine. I was always busy in the daytime, so paperwork, which includes computer work, mostly happened out of office hours. Though, looking back a long time – before email – Mondays were traditionally housework mornings and then I did any paperwork necessary. Once email came along, Monday morning was spent on the computer. I’ve always convinced myself that my smartphone, years later, helped keep me away from the computer, because I could glance at anything coming in and decide what to do – a brief reply from the phone, go and deal with it or else delete it or save it for later. But smartphones distract in other ways. And they aren’t conducive to relaxed blogging.

All the same, the evening has gone well and I’m stepping away from the internet.

4 comments on “Z is satisfied

  1. 63mago

    I only hope that Your armchair-books-stove arrangement will work satisfyingly.
    The smart phone always was a tad too intrusive for my liking. With the laptop the positive aspects still outweighed the (for me) negative sides, but the phone came too close, literally : All time, everywhere.

    1. Z Post author

      I love my iPhone. But it’s good to put it down and not always have it right by my side. With the watch, I glance and see I don’t need to react. Downside of the phone is that it keeps me away from the computer, which is why I don’t often blog.


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