Z is going to bed now

I tried what I thought was the PIN and it wasn’t.  So I tried the same digits, but differently, and it wasn’t that either.  So I’ll have to ask for a reminder because the card will be swallowed on the third attempt at a cashpoint.

At the meeting this morning, it became apparent that I was the only person who had a ‘historical’ perspective on the subject under discussion – it wasn’t crucial, but it explained a course of events over the past eight or so years.  That doesn’t look especially interesting, now I look at it written down, but I like putting things in context – yes, I am a bit dull that way.  Anyway, in addition I was happy to hear that there have been two nominations for the two parent governor places we have, which means there does not have to be an election – better still, they are both experienced primary school governors, which gives them a head start in understanding what’s involved.  Things are going well with me easing myself out of the chairmanship too so, although there’s a lot of work going on, it’s all promising.

My gardener fitted the new pond liner today, but it was getting dark by the time I arrived home so I haven’t been to have a look at it.  It’s going to be lovely having a pond again – it’s only a small one, but plenty of room for tadpoles.  Wouldn’t it be lovely if it attracted some newts?  Not that I’ve any objection to just getting frogs.  I’m sure I have mentioned this, but I always kiss any frog that gets into my hands.  It only works occasionally, but it seems worth taking the chance.  Not that I’m in search of a prince, not even a handsome one.  I just like frogs.

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