Z is ahead of the game

All those little sparrowbeak milk jugs sold well. It’s an appealing shape and there are lots of differently painted or decorated ones. Most of my clients have had everything sold, though one had six out of about thirty unsold – the only ones in the whole auction, as it happens.

Various things suddenly went awry yesterday from about 6.30 in the evening and I gave up and went to bed early, though I was anxious enough to sleep very badly. But it’s been okay today. One potential problem was cleared up quickly and I’ve done all the auction accounts. I haven’t done my income and expenditure thing yet but I will tomorrow.

It is the people, the collecting enthusiasts, that I love and do this job for. Yesterday, I delivered a couple of pieces of china to a friend who is housebound since breaking her upper arm a few years ago. Her front and back doors are awkward, she can’t manage them with a frame and she’s too proud to use a wheelchair, and too attached to her home to agree to any alterations being made. That’s that. She’s not the only good friend with a whole lot of won’t-power. But she is so thrilled with her purchases, really excited. She couldn’t stop smiling.

Yesterday, I had a cheque for £10 from a couple who only owed me £7.60 for postage and a £20 note from someone else who never buys but likes to have the catalogues, and was feeling guilty. I honestly don’t mind and was a bit startled to receive tips, but I’ve thanked them with an appreciation of the spirit of the thought. And this morning, while taking a break from the accounts, I went to the front door to pick up the post and there was a large box of Guernsey flowers. It was a huge bunch of carnations from a lovely couple in their nineties, who were thanking me for bidding on their behalf and … well, that was it, really. I am friendly of course and I’m very fond of them, though I don’t suppose I’ll ever meet them. And I’ve had emails of thanks from both buyers and sellers. I bought a piece myself, a miniature teapot (it’s adorable, about 3 inches high) which had belonged to a lovely woman who died nearly four years ago from motor neurone disease. Her dear husband used to always come to the sales with her, they lived 60 miles away. And you could see their happiness and how he adored her. I bought it to remember her by and told him, and he’s so pleased.

Anyway, I didn’t sleep too well, as I said, but I’ve put myself right again now because people are so kind and there’s so much to love. And Tim is home again and we had a big dish of roasted vegetables with home-laid eggs (only one chicken is laying as far as I know, but she’s reliable) and I have eaten nothing but vegetables, with a little cheese and a few eggs and some bread, for several days and I feel so damn virtuous. But mostly because I’ve paid everyone and, my target being to do that within a week, I’m a whole 24 hours ahead of myself.

Soon, I hope to catch up with blogs. I’m sorry, I’ve been neglectful, but I have missed you all and I’ll drop in to say hello in the next few days.

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