This is turning out to be an expensive year, with one thing and another, because now the dishwasher has packed in too. At eight years old, I honestly doubt the repairs, if possible, would be worth it and I’m inclined to cut my losses. I’ve been looking at the John Lewis website and there’s a bewildering number of models at a range of prices and little to show why one is worth a great deal more than another. I’m going to Norwich tomorrow to the dentist, so I’ll go and see what’s on offer. The interior layout isn’t shown and it does matter.
I went to the first Nadfas lecture of the autumn in Yagnub today. I’ll continue to call it Nadfas, though they’ve had a (presumably expensive) rebranding and it’s now officially The Arts Society. I think they’re idiots. For one thing, it is not a society. It is several hundred societies, all affiliated , which the previous National Association of Decorative And Fine arts Societies indicated. For another, The Arts Society and The ArtSociety sound pretty well identical, so it’s not easy to say unless you put in a pause. For another, it’s dull and not at all distinctive. For nearly thirty years, if I’ve mentioned NADFAS, people have either not heard of it and asked, intrigued, or are members and have responded. “I’ve just been to an Arts Society lecture” has no resonance at all, it might as well be a little local club rather than a worldwide affiliation of societies with many thousands of members. But it’s imposed by the Board Of Easily Persuaded By a Marketing Person, so it’s official, and most of us will probably ignore that.
Tim’s been away for a couple of days again, so it’s a bit quiet around here, because clearly he’s extremely vivacious and loud – actually, all I mean is that it’s dull, except for the damn dishwasher going pop. And it’s only half past eight but I think I might as well go to bed and read, because there’s not enough conversation around here and, if you stop watching television and then try turning it on again, blimey it’s bad.
1. What were the idiots thinking of by renaming something memorable to something forgettable (never mind its inaccuracy)? And without even asking us? Pah!
2. It’s extremely loud here at the moment.