ECat and I are alone for the next week. I’ve just dropped Wink off at the station to catch trains down to Gatwick, because she’s going to Spain for the next week – a practice run for her 6-week sojourn in India. ECat gave me a long cuddle when I got home. She spends a good deal of time on Wink’s lap. As soon as Wink sits down, along comes the cat for some love. She’ll be huffy when she discovers that Wink is hardly here between now and mid-March.
I’ve got a lot of typing to do today and tomorrow. Most of it is emails, though there’s work as well. I’ve got responses to Christmas news – that is, not about Christmas itself, but contained in cards. And thank-yous and so on. And I’ve got the last of the decorations to put away, too.
As I’m living in the dining room at present, the room is cluttered. It already had quite a lot of furniture in it, but I’ve added two small tables and three armchairs. There was no room for a tree. I decorated the inglenook surround with swags of ivy and put the crib and some wooden choir figures in the two alcoves at the sides of the woodburner. It took up no room space and looked good, though the ivy dried out quite quickly with the heat of the stove.
I sit at the dining table, mostly, rather than in the armchairs, unless I’m at the computer. It’s quite comfortable and a good place to read, do jigsaws or whatever. Of course, the table gets cluttered too and I have to clear up frequently. I don’t think I’m destined ever to be tidy.
I was supposed to pick up two elderly friends and take them out to lunch near Norwich today, but neither of them is feeling quite well enough to go out in the bleak weather. Having seen the local news just now in the paper, I’m glad not to have been going that way. A traffic accident on a junction I’d have used has closed the road – the cars involved have been cleared and I don’t know how serious it was in terms of injuries, but traffic lights have been damaged and are out of use, so there are diversions. All nearby roads will be in a proper mess. I’ve lit the fire and I’m staying put for the rest of the day – apart from a healthy walk, of course, once I’ve done my typing. Unless it’s raining by then (which it is now). According to my phone, it’s 3ºC out but feels like -8ºC, with a gusty wind. Due to be cold for the whole week, with frosts every night. Can’t complain about a frost in January, of course.
Shivering just reading about your weather, sweetpea! I know it’s all relative, but I’m wearing a jumper, a scarf around my neck, and thick socks to ward off the cold around here! Currently, we’re at 17C which is warm, I know, compared to the artic blasts y’all are feeling! xoxo
It’s freezing out now, with a chilly wind. I went for a brisk walk this afternoon, but I’d had enough after 20 minutes. Daytime temperatures where Wink is are up to 20C and I’m envious. I’m going to retire to have a hot bath soon and then a nice warm bed (it’s only 8pm and the room I’m in is warm, but really, I’ve had enough)
Happy new year to you too, dearest Savannah! Best wishes to you and yours xoxo
Oh, and Happy New Year! xoxo