So Sew

I want something to do that takes concentration but not brainwork, so I’m going to try needlepoint again. I haven’t done it for years, because I like counting thread work and the graduations of colour became too difficult for my eyes in the evening. But I’ll have a go and, if it means I have to take time to do it in the day, that’s a bonus nowadays. I’ve no idea what happened to my frame, so I’ve ordered a new one.

I’ve done some of the work, but not all, that I meant to do today. It was the cat, I say plaintively. Without Wink here, she wants to sit on me. It isn’t enough to just be with me, she wants my full attention, including eye contact. She can be quite needy, or manipulative or something. She’s not exactly starved of affection, it’s just her way.

I’ve got to be out of the house in good time tomorrow, so I’ve set an alarm. Usually, I’m awake quite early, but I can’t trust myself completely – if I don’t sleep much in the night, I might drop off around 6.30, when I should be waking up. I go to bed disgracefully early, usually – I still think of myself as starting to bloom at 9pm, but I’m quite often asleep by then nowadays and I feel I’m letting the side down and being old and dull. This isn’t to suggest that other people who go to bed early are old and dull, it’s just not my self-image.

I don’t know what eCat is doing at present, but it involves scratching on my antique rug. I should investigate.

4 comments on “So Sew

  1. Blue Witch

    Have you seen the ‘daylight’ sewing lamps? They are really very good.

    Hope you enjoy the needlepoint. If it proves too hard, I may have some other ideas for embroidery types that might be easier, just give me a shout.

    1. Z Post author

      I’ve seen adverts for very expensive ones, around £300, which I wouldn’t want to buy without seeing them – actually, more than I’d really want to pay anyway. But yesterday, someone put a link on Susie W’s Facebook comments (I think you met her? She came to a blog party a few years ago, long dark hair) recommending one, which I thought I’d check out. I think it was about £60.

      I used to do quite a lot of needlework, mostly cross stitch (which I like if it’s counted rather than printed) and needlepoint. But I’m always interested in recommendations.

    1. Z Post author

      I’ve seen some fabulous embroidery in India, but I guess needlepoint isn’t a thing there! We often call it tapestry, which is inaccurate as tapestries are woven, not sown, but it’s somehow become the colloquial term.


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