It took me a long time to apply for probate for Russell. Nearly 18 months. It was complicated but also it was me. I sometimes couldn’t deal with things for a week or so.
Tim’s affairs were more straightforward, but not as simple as I’d expected. I found a few investments that I hadn’t known about. Also, I have to concentrate on one thing at a time, as far as possible, nowadays. When Tim died in early September, my first consideration, as well as telling friends, was notifying official bodies. Then I had to break off after a couple of weeks to focus on his funeral service. When that was over, I had to concentrate on my auction – I was obliged to learn how to write the catalogue for that in the fortnight after he died. Then, I needed to do the accounts within a week so that I could finalise arrangements for his memorial service. After that, more paperwork and then prepare for Christmas. Then I went to the States. Okay, I didn’t have to do that at all, but my host is about to have treatment for cancer that will wipe out his immune system for months, and his mother is frail and in her 90s. It may be now or never.
I’ve managed to get most things done but I didn’t know there was a deadline. If there’s inheritance tax due, it has to be paid in six months or interest is charged. No one told me. Until yesterday. So I’ve put together the information – really very little left to come in – and will drop it off to the solicitor tomorrow.
I need comfort and support, so it’s good that I have my sister, who specialises in being lovely. I’m also good at comforting and supporting myself, because I’ve needed to be.
I also seem to have potentially volunteered for something that will need a skillset I don’t yet have. But it will help, so it seems to me to be worth it. I’m obviously an idiot and therefore wrong, but I have left myself a get-out, not that I’ll probably use it.
Ugh. Probate. I’m glad that is all behind me – at the worst time I felt like I had to jump through hoops.
Anyhow, the new skillset sounds interesting…???
Only reading about your programm of the last five months makes me feel “burnt out” …. I hope you get all the comfort and support you need.
Like MSScarlet – this potentially volunteered task sounds interesting, a bit adventurous even.
It’s not as interesting as I seem to have made it sound, it’s managing a website. It would involve being on a committee, which I really don’t want to happen but, on the other hand, I think a new interest might not be a bad thing.
Yes, the last five months have been awful. I’m not blaming myself for not doing everything at once.