Muntjacs, oh my…

It’s been a quiet day at the Zedery. Wink wanted a break from unpacking and so LT and I wrote a few Christmas cards. The list gets shorter every year, it’s just not got the appeal that it used to have and we keep in touch with people in other ways now. Wink had a lot, of course, because she wanted to let everyone know her new address.

I’ve got an actual genuine business meeting tomorrow – not the fake sort at restaurants punctuated by Happy Birthday celebrations, but a probate valuation. Unfortunately, it means leaving the house well before 9 am, which isn’t really my thing any more. With makeup on, into the bargain. I put some on on Sunday for the first time since my auction. What has become of me and will I ever go back to the Z I used to be, I wonder? Prolly not, frankly.

As I went down to feed the cats this morning, a muntjac deer burst out of the kitchen garden and ran down the drive. Wretched things. They’re timid, but it doesn’t stop them coming into the garden and spoiling everything. I suspect that better fences will be required in the long run – I wouldn’t mind them if they just ate ivy and a bit of grass, but they’re quite destructive. Still, if one aims for a wildlife haven, one can’t complain too much if the wildlife isn’t what you’d ideally choose to attract. Barn owls, bats and hedgehogs are totally welcome at any time.

5 comments on “Muntjacs, oh my…

  1. dinahmow

    I am about to give up on all the malarkey involved in blogging! This blog should have been updated in my reader…I just thought “Oh, Z is probably ever so busy sorting out other peoples’ needs” and didn’t bother to trawl through the maze and re-instate you. Oops!
    But I see you are still live and lively so I shall tell my reader so.

    I’m woefully behind with everything, but, in case I fall off the rails again, do have a smashing Christmas. There’s a bit of a wing-ding over at mine and I’m about to add a little something with you name on.

    1. Z Post author

      Nice to see you, Di – Right now, I’m having a lot of trouble with broadband and BT hasn’t cured the faults in two sessions, totalling a day and a half, so far. So I’m behind with my blog reading too, but I’ll be along as soon as possible. Hope you have a great Christmas too – all a bit locked down here at present but we’ve got cautious family times planned!

  2. Blue Witch

    Join the troubled broadband club… I’m not particulalry worried about speed, but stability is crucial (and very very frustrating when it’s not there). OpenReach have maximum amounts of time they will give on any identified fault, and can refuse to replace ageing infrastructure if it is not deemed by them to be economicall viable. Hope you have better luck than us!

    Glad Wink is settling in well.

  3. Kestrel

    Had to check with Mr Google and get some pixs of muntjac deer. So that’s what they look like, appears quite docile but must be a shock to have one bursting out of garden. I have not sent a Cmas card for over 3 years, I started online cards using email, now it is so easy to send over whats app with a click. But it would be nice to get a real proper in-the-mail card. I haven’t wore lipstick for 10 months as it’ll only smear into my MASK. Good luck with your make up – hope you have not forgotten how?

  4. Z Post author

    Well, it’s adequate at present, BW, though not the speed it should be. I can’t face it all again this side of Christmas and we’re due to have fibre installed in mid-January, so if they don’t let me have the speed they promise then they have to compensate me. So we’ll see.

    The muntjacs aren’t native of course but they escaped years ago from wildlife parks and so on, and have spread in numbers and range. There are also roe and fallow deer in the area but they’re a lot more timid and don’t come anywhere near houses.


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