
Things went rather awry last night. I was suddenly exhausted and went for an early bath. The phone rang and I hurried out of the bath to answer it. I missed it. Dialing back, it was the RNIB, no doubt wanting to sell me raffle tickets. I put the phone back down. I give them money every month anyway, I don’t mind buying a few raffle tickets but even 8.30 in the evening is a bit late for a charity call.

I went to bed and slept, briefly, then was awake when Indigo phoned. Lovely, kind Indigo Roth, one of my dearest blog friends. He’s visiting tomorrow, kind as he is. He took the photos for the catalogue for me and they were all perfect. I slept and woke fitfully all night, with a headache that lingered all day. I think it’s the cumulative effect of not having enough sleep and far too much stress and grief for weeks on end. I’ve napped again today several times and the headache is still here, though I’ve had two doses of paracetamol, something I rarely touch. I hope I’ll be over it by tomorrow, I have too much to do and need to be able to concentrate. It’s not that I want to, but I must. Lots of paperwork, plus personal letters and emails that I have to reply to. Overwhelming.

I must find something good to say. Um. The sun shone, it was a lovely day. I made a brown sourdough loaf and it’s good, I won’t go back to the white ones regularly as I like the multi-grain seeded loaves. Using yeast is quicker but this one tastes lovely. I added the seeds earlier, as I was putting in the last of the water, so that they mixed fully. I’m cautiously putting in more white flour than usual, but I’ll up the amount of wholewheat and rye flours until I get the right balance.

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