I did the outside chores, but they needed to be done again this morning. I’d stocked up for Wink, without realising that I’d used nearly the last of my coal. But I didn’t realise until I got back from blood donor’s and, after fainting a couple of years ago, I do nothing for the rest of the day. Wink kindly fed the outside cats and checked on the chickens and she cooked my dinner. I was, although I’d taken it very easy all afternoon, in bed by 8pm. And, though I was awake for a while in the night, I must have slept for a good 9 hours, maybe 10. Fabulous.
I also checked when I’d be able to donate again after a visit to Mexico. There’s nothing long-term to worry about, so just 28 days, in case I pick up any tropical fever. Though advice is to check again when I’m back, in case there’s been any change in the advice. While I was about it, I went online to the GP website to fill in the vaccination check form. It asks what vaccines I’ve had – not all, but includes flu, polio, diphtheria, tetanus – and the dates. A bit bemused, because I was inoculated against polio and vaccinated against diphtheria as a small child and have no idea of the dates. The rest, the surgery has on my records anyway. Still, it’s evidently read by a real person, so I answered as well as I could and they should get back to me next week. They asked about yellow fever too, I’ve a feeling I was vaccinated before my honeymoon, but that was in 1973, so I’m well out of date. And malaria tablets, which I was able to answer.
Mel gave the chickens fresh water this morning as there had been a frost and I’ve just filled log baskets. I’ve also brought some pouches of cat food indoors, so that the barn cats don’t have to eat cold food this evening. And now, out for lunch.