LT has been away for a couple of days, though he’ll be back by lunchtime tomorrow, and I’ve been over to visit Weeza and co today. It’ll be Zerlina’s ninth birthday tomorrow and Gus’s sixth on Sunday. Their other grandmother is also visiting and staying for a week.
I woke early this morning and went to make myself breakfast sometime after five. When Eloise cat came in a bit later, wet from the rain, she was very pleased to discover I’d remembered her butter and Marmite. I can’t deny that she’s pampered. And I’ll have to get her something nice for her Sunday dinner, as it’ll be her third birthday.
I’ve taken the easy way out with all my children’s birthdays this year, by saying that we’ll babysit the children and pay for an evening out for each of them – though none of them has actually taken me up on it yet, they’re all pleased at the prospect. Next month, all three children-in-law have birthdays too and I will have to think of actual tangible presents – and I’d better get my skates on as two of them are in the first week of September. Birthdays at the start of the month have a tendency to catch me out.
I’m very pleased that the letting agent has found me new tenants for my London flat, which is quite a relief as it has been empty for several months while work was being done there. I’ve signed my part of the tenancy agreement tonight and they’re due to move in tomorrow week – I’ve still got a couple of things to do there, one of which is put up new smoke alarms, so it’ll mean another visit early in the week. And I’ve got to fit in the writing of the catalogue and the photography, so I’ll have to be a little less lazy than usual.