A very local celebrity, of a very minor sort

Having made it to the EDP on Wednesday, I had a page in the L’toft Journal today.  And the nice reporter has promised more in the EDP and a follow-up after the sale.  I’m charmed and gratified.  My photos – well,  I guess they look like me, which is all that I can say.

The china is packed away and locked in Fort Knox, or the nearest equivalent I can find, I have done much of the paperwork and just have the very dullest bits to finish and I have still to get to grips with the new laser printer, and how hard can that be?

Tim has gone home, having been very good company and good-natured about my slightly odd lifestyle, with me switching from reluctant animal lover to artlessly friendly interviewee to artfully friendly hostess when people came round to look at china.  I took him round various places that I thought he might like, not quite fulfilling the brief, which was Norfolk, whereas we mostly went to Suffolk.  Friends I called on to show the Lowestoft ram in the sale were quite keen he should move to Beccles, they clearly thought he’d be an asset to the town.

But tonight, I’m back to being quiet and just me.  I cooked lots of vegetables for dinner and have been filling in the auctioneer’s book with the bids i’ve received already – this is most pleasing, as it means that some items will be sold, at least.  Tomorrow, I’m going to London to see Wink.  I must check my Oyster card is in my bag – it so often isn’t and I keep buying another.

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