A retired antiques dealer, who had a shop in Kensington for years and specialised in china, died last year and her collection is up for auction tomorrow. Russell used to take her a box of bantam eggs whenever he visited and, after her retirement, used to call on her every few months. I went with him to her flat a couple of years ago – February 2014, I remember, because I know the other reason we were in London. She showed me her Lowestoft china and there was one item in particular that I really liked.
So, at the least, I wanted to see it again. That was the reason we were in London today. And I’ll go to the sale tomorrow too. The item I want is in with other pieces, only one of which I would like, so I’m going to have to think carefully about it all. There was something else that took our eye – should that be eyes? Sounds odd – anyway, turns out that LT and I are in accord. Anyway, I may not be in luck, and rather doubt it, but an auction is most fun if you’re hoping to buy, so I’ll go and be keen and at least, maybe, be the underbidder.
We went to find somewhere for a light lunch and a tapas place appealed, but there wasn’t a table available outside and it was too lovely a day to be stuck indoors. A woman of an age to know better had finished her coffee and was ostentatiously studying her phone and rearranging her handbag, not to be glared into giving up her table. In the end, I went and asked nicely if she had just come or was about to leave? She said, in a polite way, that she had just arrived and was waiting for someone – we knew the former wasn’t true but, a minute later, another table cleared so we sat down. And then another, younger woman turned up to join her, so benefit of doubt was given, until they both got up and left. And never mind about us, but there were only about ten tables and that was so rude and selfish, to deprive the restaurant of customers in that way, just to sit down while waiting. And she could have explained the truth to us anyway.
But we just huffed with righteous indignation for a minute or two and enjoyed our lunch, sharing some chorizo cooked in sherry, a plate of squid, samphire and butternut squash purée and a helping of bean salad with raw salt cod – all delicious, we made good choices from an appealing menu.
Tomorrow is our last day here for a bit, we are going from home to home, back to Mahsrae on Thursday. It’s been good.