I’d been blaming myself for not keeping things up to scratch, but now I’ve checked through thoroughly, I was in almost every particular. Most importantly, I’d kept a record of the cheques sent – and the cheques themselves, of course. So this morning, I sent out an email to everyone who hadn’t yet sent in their evaluation forms and/or their cheques – the former by email, the latter by post.
I’ve had several replies, most of them promises of answers pdq, but one was from someone protesting that he’d sent his cheque. I’ve checked through, and he has. But he put down West Suffolk instead of Bury St Edmunds on the accompanying form, so I credited it to West Suffolk, who hasn’t paid up. And another email was from someone who said that she’d sent me the details – which she has – and that their society treasurer is also Area treasurer, so he would deal with the finance direct. PITY HE DIDN’T TELL ME, THEN. Sorry to shout. It’s been a bit like that.
I also had an email from someone who didn’t like a form having a yellow background in one section because of the extra ink involved printing it out. He went all environmental on me. I wrote back cheerfully suggesting he read it online and not bother to print it out at all, thus saving the paper and the ink (the reason it’s in yellow is to show people where they may type, as most of it can’t be altered). But you know, he was barely polite – frankly, I was treated as a lowly-paid employee rather than an unpaid volunteer like him … but it’s those who are paid less who deserve the kindest treatment – I don’t mind being taken to task when I’ve screwed up, but I’m still doing it for free, you know. I’m sorry, here I’m going to quote my great-grandmother, whom I never met. She used to say to my (very young) mother “my dear, never be rude to those who cannot answer back.” There is no excuse for being lofty with someone whom you perceive as being in a menial position. None. That’s flat.
The Head told me this evening that a North Norfolk titled bloke (no gentleman, I fear) was extremely rude to a young teacher who was giving up her weekend to take some of our children on a Duke of Edinburgh Award trip. Whilst not wanting to make it Googleable, I’m going to name names because, apparently, he behaved like an upper-class shit. She had arranged to camp on some of his many thousands of acres and, because a completely separate booking had left a mess, he chose to blame the schoolchildren who had been there too, but in a different area. He was very intimidating and rude to her and accused her of not having booked at all – he’d evidently forgotten having spoken to her himself a few months ago when he took the booking. For money, which was paid. Lord W@lp0le may be a Baron, but he is no gentleman. I think he’d not have spoken to me that way, because he’d have recognised someone on what he’d consider his level. I can’t bear the “class” thing and don’t do it. But I can do it, if it’s necessary. I’d have been what my children call “fruity”.
Anyway, the Head has written a totally tongue-in-cheek letter of apology, which will make the Baron embarrassed if he has any shred of decency. I don’t know the fellow, so he may not.